JEF meeting, April 17, 2020
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location= 9:00 am EST (JLab time) Bluejeans only
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We are using BlueJeans Video/Audio conferencing. Our meeting ID number is 992533564. Click "Expand" for more details.
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- Status of the crystal procurement (SICCAS)
- Preparation for module fabrication
- COMCAL tests, TAC running, etc.
- Preparations for PAC meeting (jeopardy)
Attendees: Arshak,Igal,Tim W.,Phil,Tim B.,Zisis,Liping,Jon Z.,Sasha,Josh,Susan,S.T.
- Procurement updates
- The SICCAS crystals are at the lab but have not been inspected yet
- Sasha trying to coordinate with management to allow him and Vlad B. onto the JLab site to do this
- Light guide samples have arrived at JLab
- Brass pieces not arrived at JLab yet -- maybe today?
- first 20 mu-metal pieces shipped on Monday
- The SICCAS crystals are at the lab but have not been inspected yet
- PAC jeopardy discussion
- Consensus is that JEF physics is still solid and existing simulations are probably sufficient
- We might consider extending physics reach to include π0e+e-, φ(scalar)π0 where φ(scalar)→π+π-
- We did think that we should work on exclusion plots for the dark scalar. Igal will work on this.
- Will be discussing jeopardy in meeting with GlueX folks later on Friday. Some unresolved issues:
- What kind of documentation will we need to provide? Sasha will work on FCAL II construction table.
- What is overlap of 2 approved GlueX proposals and what does this mean for JEF running time (expected to be in parallel with GlueX)? Management seems to want to merge the 2 running periods.
- Consensus is that JEF physics is still solid and existing simulations are probably sufficient