JEF meeting, April 15, 2022
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location=
- 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Zoom meeting ID: 161 050 9142 Passcode: 004965
- Preparation for mass production of FCAL2 modules -- Sasha
- Getting summer students involved in the project. Vaccinated students will be permitted to the lab according to the communication with Brian Hanlon (still to be checked). Not a problem to get 5 - 6 students involved (List of possible tasks).
- Chris continues brazing brass straps. The quality has been improved. We have many brass assemblies now.
- DSG:
- About 700 ESR foils (SICCAS) have been preshaped. Start preshaping foils for CRYTUR crystals (after 900 foils for SICCAS are produced). Need new cutting template.
- Crystal wrapping is very slow, only about 15 crystals have been wrapped during this week.
- Production of Silicon cookies at the GWU [1]. See Olga's report. Contract with the GWU is under preparation.
- Igal: continues wrapping ESR for crystals and Tedlar
- Procurement of spare PMTs and sockets: no price increase [2]. Submitted PR for 100 PMTs and 200 sockets; not clear when it will be signed.
- Module fabrication -- Sasha
- Cable distribution of the FCAL insert -- Sasha
- Connection of LV cables to the PMT base [3][4][5]
- Draft of the cable distribution in the FCAL dark room (meeting with Fernando and Tim)
- Submitted PR for procurement of LEMO (signal) connectors (Chris and Fernando)
- Light Monitoring System -- Arshak
- COMCAL tests, TAC running, etc. -- Sasha
- Data analysis
- Simulations
Attendees: Bill, Zisis, Sasha, Olga, Igal, Liping, Arshak, Tegan, Jon, Susan, Tim B., Tim W., Jane, S.T.
- Situation for students coming to JLab in the summer is becoming clearer
- Lab is able to pay for lodging and per diem, maybe transportation
- Phil will send 2 students, GWU has 3 students + 1 from community college, Liping looking at applications from 4 students, 2 students from URegina possible
- Most pressing task is crystal wrapping; Sasha could also have students work on tagger hodoscope repairs or COMCAL refurbishment
- Since we are using 16 ESR jigs borrowed from NPS, we agreed to produce foils for NPS as their fabrication ramps up
- GWU working on silicon cookies -- currently done by Olga, but soon a student will be doing this
- FCAL2 module count now up to 290
- Discussions with Tim W. and Fernando regarding cabling in the dark room taking place
- Space for low voltage cables tight but seems manageable
- Need to pay attention to strain relief and ease of access
- Made 4x4 array to test cabling
- Arshak continues to work on LMS development
- Plexiglas delivered from machine shop attenuates injected light to much -- Arsak ordered new cast acrylic plate from outside vendor
- Some LEDs arrived but integrating sphere is going through procurement process
- Looking at using connectors for light injection as opposed to gluing fibers directly to plastic sheet
- 3D printed vs commercial connectors?
- How to hold in place in front of insert? Discussed angle holders on 4 sides
- 4-piece plexiglas in front of existing FCAL needs to be modified
- After the meeting we discussed the state of the island algorithm reconstruction and the isolation of the η→π0γγ channel
- Simon's results don't completely agree with things seen by other people -- not clear tweaking parameters helps in the final analysis
- TOF veto is important, but backsplash from showers from photons in the FCAL could be a problem