JEF meeting, April 1, 2022
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location
- 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Zoom meeting ID: 161 050 9142 Passcode: 004965
- Preparation for mass production of FCAL2 modules -- Sasha
- 50 new CRYTUR crystals received
- Need to perform a quality check
- DSG group: preshaping (18 foils a day), wrapping (7 crystals a day on average, expect to wrap 10 crystals per day in the future).
- Contract with the GWU is under preparation (SOW, sole source,...)
- Chris A. continues to braze strips; discussions regarding brazing quality. Bobby preparing soft Iron housings.
- Igal continues cutting ESR / Tedlar
- 50 new CRYTUR crystals received
- Module fabrication -- Sasha
- Light Monitoring System April 1 update -- Arshak
- COMCAL tests, TAC running, etc. -- Sasha
- A 3 x 3 calorimeter will be installed on the TAC platform. Will (can) be used as a TAC run during the CPP experiment and other tests in the future.
- Data analysis
- Simulations
Attendees: Bill, Sasha, Olga, Axel, Phil, Igal, Jon, Liping, Zisis, Jane, Tim B., Azizah, Susan, S.T.
- Olga has set up the GWU lab for production of silicon cookies
- Sasha working on contract with GWU
- NPS running out of space in their lab, will move crystals to our lab; however, we will be moving to a new location some time soon (June?)
- PMT exchanges continue with NPS
- Module fabrication continues -- now up to 245
- Tim W. inspected small FCAL prototype sent to us by Matt
- Idea is to determine what we need to do to refurbish the lead glass modules in FCAL
- Absorber in front of beam hole needs to go beyond conceptual stage
- Sasha presented Arshak's update regarding LMS development
- Ordered 80x45 cm^2 plexiglas plate with 4x4 cm^2 hole
- Performed transmission tests on small prototype
- Roughed surface using sandpaper
- Glued fibers to face of plexiglas as opposed to drilling holes
- Looking into using 4" integrating sphere
- Plan to use 2 fibers per side per crystal row
- Check stability using alpha source?
- Had some discussion regarding getting students involved in summer
- Liping, GWU, Phil all potentially can send students
- Also master's student from CNU interested in getting involved
- Sasha to clarify permission for students to come to lab with management
- Need to update sensitivity plots for 40x40 insert