Impact of FDC Design on Momentum Resolution
From GlueXWiki
This page contains results of simulation studies to determine the impact of recent FDC design changes on momentum resolution of charged particles. The changes were suggested in order to reduce the amount of material in the active area of the FDC. Some things to note about the conditions of these studies:
- The source code used for the studies was tagged in the subversion repository and can be checked out via:
- svn co
- This source code is essentially the version tagged as release-2007-03-19. It does not account for multiple scattering or energy loss in the fitter.
- The magnetic field used for these studies is the same one that has been in used for the last couple of years. It is known to have a field that is as much as 10% smaller than the one we nominally expect.
- The simulations used only single π+ tracks, evenly distributed in momentum and angle.