Hall D Unix groups discussion

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Below are all the CUE groups that start with "halld."  Some user names in the lists don't belong there any more.  Many of the groups are redundant.  Kelvin says he can easily combine them and change the group ownership on the relevant files.
I thought the stuff on /site is supposed to be in a separate group "halld_ul" but some files are in "halld", not sure if this needs to be changed.  Groups used by web files in /group/halld/WWW include:  clas,caduser,da,halld...what a mess!

I think we should just use three groups:  halld for most things, halld_ul for /site, and halldweba for web admins.  What do you think?  We can discuss who should be in each group.

Current groups and members are listed below.  You can get this information via:   $ ypcat -k group | grep ^halld

#  these are web admins for the web machines run by Marty
halldweba halldweba:*:701:wolin,riccardi,davidl,marki

#  this is the regular halld group
halld halld:*:267:davidl,wolin,dzierba,elton,ent,jonesrt,cmeyer,capstick,eugenio,klein,abbottd,doughty,boeglinw,chandra,kornicer,pavel,brash,cuevas,jastrzem,barbosa,bellis,saw,carman,gurjyan,timmer,biselli,kuhnj,zisis,aamer,staylor,remitche,ckourk,shepherd,craigb,ostrov,leverinb,riccardi,elke,gen,zihlmann,marki,seema,whitey,huttonc,mikewood,veilleux,lcarlson,jlagner,fklein,somov,ryan,wcrahen,vgr,reinhard,flood,jstewart,herun,pawel,fmartin,biallas,dnapier,stevensm,weihl,sullivak,heckman,gluex,kross,semenov

#  not sure what this is for
halldweb halldweb:*:700:wolin,riccardi,davidl

#  not sure what this is for, either
halldwebw halldwebw:*:702:wolin,riccardi,davidl,tomcat,httpd

# thisi s for web areas in /site.  Both the User Liaison group and us need access
halld_ul halld_ul:*:367:wolin,elton,gadams,shannan,abbottd,elke,davidl,lcarlson,kindrew,dchopard,marki,somov

