GlueX Software Meeting, November 7, 2022
GlueX Software Meeting
Monday, November 7, 2022
10:30 am EDT
Zoom Meeting ID: 161 341 3143 Passcode: 969594 Join
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- Announcements
- New release planned after AmpTools update, tentatively on Monday 11/14/22
- Report from SciOps/ENP meeting (slides)
- Memory limits for farm jobs
- cache disk expansion
- November 15 maintenance day
- Transition CentOS7 -> Rocky8, but usage of containers encouraged
- NVLink bridge between 2 NVidia A100 cards installed
- Action Item Review (all)
- BMS_OSNAME update (Mark)
- Status of software upgrade projects:
- JANA2 (Nathan)
- RHEL8 (Simon)
- Review of recent issues and pull requests:
- Review of recent discussion on the GlueX Software Help List (all)