GlueX Software Meeting, June 6, 2022
GlueX Software Meeting
Monday, May 9, 2022
10:30 am EDT
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- Announcements
- Review of Minutes from the Last Software Meeting (all)
- BMS_OSNAME update (Mark)
- Status of software upgrade projects:
- JANA2 (Nathan)
- Geant4 (Richard)
- RCDB/CCDB (Dmitry, Mark?)
- RHEL8 (Simon)
- Python3 support
- Others?
- Review of recent issues and pull requests:
- Review of recent discussion on the GlueX Software Help List (all)
- Action Item Review (all)
- Backup old halld_sim and hdgeant4 versions without losing the possibility to use the halld_recon in analysis.xml files (Peter, Alex)
- Switch off debug symbols by default (Mark)
Present: Alex A., Simon, Justin, Richard, Mark I., Peter, Igal
- Announcements
- BMS_OSNAME update (Mark): Mark will send an announcement today and a reminder tomorrow. We plan to make the change on Wednesday morning. Since the scripts only create links, the switch will be transparent and backwards-compatible. The online machines and any builds outside of the build_scripts system will not be affected.
- Status of software upgrade projects:
- Geant4 (Richard): gcc5.3 is required for this change. No news on the implementation in build_scripts.
- RCDB/CCDB (Dmitry, Mark?): Development of databases is still Dmitry's responsibility. Apparently, CCDB2 needs mySql hooks. Alex will inquire. Maintenance of the hallddb server is the responsibility of the JLab computing center (Sherman White, Marty Wise).
- RHEL8 (Simon): Investigations are ongoing. It was suggested to include RHEL8 in the b1pi test.
- Others?
- Review of recent issues and pull requests:
- halld_recon: Issues, PRs
- halld_sim: Issues, PRs:
- PR #246 deal with switched off tagger counters that overlap with the tagger microscope. This was not an issue before recent changes to halld_recon in the context of CPP, where the microscope was moved and is treated independently from the tagger hodoscope.
- Issue #242: Richard and Rebecca have to make sure to use random background for their studies. Peter will help and check the MCWrapper configuration.
- Action Item Review (all)
- Backup old halld_sim and hdgeant4 versions without losing the possibility to use the halld_recon in analysis.xml files (Peter, Alex)
- Switch off debug symbols by default (Mark): Mark and Alex had a call after the meeting where they developed a strategy. Mark will come up with a proposal.
- Ask Dmitry about CCDB2 (Alex)
- New recon-compatible versions for 2017/2018/2020?
- Bug in root build, fixed in recent build_scripts but still shows up in recon-compatible versions. Possibly need to rebuild shared root version (Peter).
- Add RHEL8 system to b1pi test.