GlueX Software Meeting, January 30, 2023
GlueX Software Meeting
Monday, January 30, 2023
11:00 am EST
Zoom Meeting ID: 160 636 9159 Passcode: 888788 Join
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- Announcements
- 24 new farm23 nodes: 128 cores, 512gb ram
- Review of minutes and action items from the last Software meeting
- BMS_OSNAME update (Mark)
- Status of software upgrade projects:
- JANA2 (Nathan)
- RHEL8:
- Dselector issue #156 open
- Review of recent issues and pull requests:
- Review of recent discussion on the GlueX Software Help List (all)
Participants: A. Austregesilo, B. Grube, S. Taylor, M. Ito, N. Brei, E. Barriga
- The collaboration board was meeting in parallel, which severely limited the attendance.
- Nathan made progress with the JANA2 port. A few test experiments with streaming readout are planned in the near future.
- Mark is working on a build on Fedora 37. The native gcc version 12.2.1 is uncovering various problems, one of them related to the C++17 standard in evio was fixed [3].
- We discussed the start counter orientation and mapping problem
Action Items
- Provide Centos7.9 container with gxrun/gxshell (Peter)
- Discuss strategy for upgrade of online machines with computing center, possibly install singularity (Alex)
- Investigate DSelector problem on RHEL8/Rocky8 (all)
- Investigate low memory efficiency for halld-osg jobs: 8core/8GB (Peter/Thomas)
Sean's projects:
- Deprecate HistogramTools.h
- Separate out halld_amp from halld_sim and support pure analysis builds in build_scripts
Notes from the Sci/OPS Meeting
- slides
- will be the next login note, equivalent to hallgw, no separation
- Rocky8 still default, but CERN/Fermilab is moving to Alma8/9. Sci/OPS would like to go to Rocky9 as well, but difference between Rocky (company) and Alma (non-profit) is mostly political.