GlueX Software Meeting, December 16, 2024
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GlueX Software Meeting
Monday, December 16, 2024
11:00 am EDT
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- Announcements
- halldwebdev will be rebuilt with RHEL9. Anyone knows what it is used for?
- Report from the December SciOps meeting: slides
- Request to update Hall D Data Managment Plan: guidance, first iteration due Dec 22
- Review of minutes and action items
- Container status:
- New version of AlmaLinux9 container with glux_install 2.37:
- /group/halld/www/halldweb/html/dist/gluex_almalinux9_gxi2.37.sif or /cvmfs/
- includes support for singularity/apptainer, HPDF/pelican, rucio and new gxrun
- gcc version upgraded to 11.5.0, out of sync with ifarm again!
- New version of AlmaLinux9 container with glux_install 2.37:
- GitLab:
- GlueX Container CI/CD : hangs when including apptainer package
- CVMFS apparently available
- Roles (Developer, Maintainer, Owner) can only be changed by Owner (me), clarification request pending
- MCWrapper status:
- Project to switch containers in-flight: #134
- Some projects use RCDB1, static sqlite file: /group/halld/www/halldweb/html/dist/rcdb_v1.sqlite
- Usecase document
- Policy package in the works
- Discussion of software upgrade projects:
- JANA2 (Raiqa)
- Transition to JANA2 wiki page
- version_5.21.1_jana2.xml: successfully passed b1pi test
- Monitoring launch test: discovered various issues, all solved by Raiqa et al.
- Current status (Raiqa)
- RCDB (Dmitry)
- Upgraded database: or
- Automatically selected by gxenv
- Remaining tests:
- DAQ (Sergey) and Website (Dmitry)
- Geant4 (Richard):
- Link to Richard's logbook for the Alma9 port
- Test build with Geant4.10.7.p4
- Evaluation: compare b1pi test with G4.10.4.p2 and G4.10.7.p4
- JANA2 (Raiqa)
- Review of recent issues and pull requests:
- Review of recent discussion on the GlueX Software Help List (all)
- HFF5 for HDDM, motivation for UnknownParticle? (Richard)
- ifarm upgrade to gcc11.5.0?
- Upgrade a container from existing one without rebuilding
- halldwebdev upgrade, gluexwebdev?, php?, logbooks (Theo Larrieu)
Action Items
- Documentation
- Improve documentation on singularity containers
- Check if native build works for container on Alma9, eventually get rid of -cntr builds
- Alma9 container upgraded to gcc11.5.0, different from farm environment
- Software Upgrades
- halld_recon:
- $HALLD_RECON_HOME/src/BMS is deprecated, remove from the repo?
- Remove dependency on histogram tools [1] (Sean, partly done)
- #842: Locking in JANA, CDC plugins fixed
- Make large 2D histograms in monitoring_hists optional: request for OSG production
- Implement decoding and monitoring for TRD prototype (Sean, Simon, Lubomir, Nizar)
- Implement decoding and monitoring for beam helicity measurements (Mark D. Justin, Ken, Peter?)
- gluex_MCWrapper:
- MCWrapper needs possibility to switch between operating systems / containers during workflow: #134 created
- JANA2 (Raiqa, Nathan):
- Transition to JANA2 wiki page: add commands for REST files and MC, halld_sim/hdgeant4
- Adapt or upgrade mkplugin (done) and (Raiqa)
- Fix problem with resource pools, then tag to build and test (done)
- RCDB (Dmitry):
- Fix bug in upgrade command (Sean, Dmitry)
- Update webpage (Dmitry)
- Commission DAQ (Sergey, Dmitry): Beginning of November
- Geant4
- Try and compare b1pi test with G4.10.7 (Alex):
- 2024-10-09 with G4.10.7 (only Alma9)
- 2024-10-07 with default environment (nightly build)
- Did not solve hdgeant4 issue #223: Misconfiguration of Generator
- Try and compare b1pi test with G4.10.7 (Alex):
- Upgrade the Alma9 build first
, then try to build on Centos7
- Upgrade the Alma9 build first
- halld_recon:
- Broken tape
- IBM was not able to recover, data lost
- 14839 files (1357 REST) from 2017-01 ver04, about 5%
- Full list, reprocess?