Gas mixture tests

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90%-10% Ar-CO2

After finding a problem with the gas mixer a test is performed to compare drift time spectra taken with a premixed gas and with the gas mixer. The GARFIELD calculation can be found in following figure:

Distance to time relations calculated using GARFIELD.

4 straws will be compared: straw# 1-6-9-15. Let's start with the pedestal (and compare only straw 1 and 6) versus time: (left is gas system - right is premixed)

Pedestal versus time ch1.
Pedestal versus time ch1.
Pedestal versus time ch6.
Pedestal versus time ch6.

Comparing the drift time spectra: LEFT is gas system -- RIGHT is premixed

Drift time spectrum ch1.
Drift time spectrum ch1.
Drift time spectrum ch6.
Drift time spectrum ch6.
Drift time spectrum ch9.
Drift time spectrum ch9.
Drift time spectrum ch15.
Drift time spectrum ch15.