February 23, 2009 (11AM), Physics Working Group
From GlueXWiki
Connect Information
ESNET and EVO will be available:
1. ESNET: 85-42553 (85-HALLD)
2. An EVO room under GlueX has been reserved
1. Role of the physics working group
2. Planning for the INT workshop in November
3. Status of physics simulations
4. News about hybrid photoproduction on the lattice
(1) Thoughts on the role of the physics working group (Ryan):
- Forum for vetting physics ideas
- Help with the organization of physics workshops
- Organize physics simulations
- Keep collaboration posted on new developments in GlueX-related physics
(2) Organizing the Institute for Nuclear Theory (INT) workshop in November (Curtis and Jo):
- Try to use the opportunity to get GlueX-associated theorists together; emails will be sent.
- Adam Szcepaniak has already committed.
- Also use this as a deadline for some key physics simulations.
(3) Status of physics simulations (Ryan):
- Ryan will gather a list of old and current physics simulations.
- We should update and highlight a few key analyses. (Key analysis ideas from Curtis (2/24/09))
- Common sets of Monte Carlo datasets (e.g., pythia background), with specific skims, would be very helpful. To be discussed in an offline meeting.
(4) News about hybrid photoproduction on the lattice (Jo):
- New lattice calculations by Jo et al. (soon to be submitted) bear upon the production of hybrid mesons. a description by Jo: Photoproduction & Lattice QCD