December 3, 2008 Software

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  1. Review minutes from November 18, 2008 Software meeting
  2. Announcements
    • Work disk space
  3. HDDM and tracking: Mark
  4. Standard units: Mark
  5. Action Items



The meeting will be at 12:00pm in Cebaf Center F326.


To connect by telephone: 1.) dial:

800-377-8846 : US
888-276-7715 : Canada
302-709-8424 : International

2.) enter participant code: 39527048# (remember the "#")

Video Conferencing

We will attempt an EVO connection for this meeting. We have a reasonable expectation that this will work.


Attendees: David L. (chair), Elliott W., Simon T., Mark I., Elke A., Jim S., Alex S.

Phone/Video: Matt S., Zisis P., Frank, Curtis M.

HDDM and tracking

Mark presented some of the work he has been doing on tracking which included using HDDM to store the results. In his system, tracking results are stored in an HDDM file which has a separate data model than that used by hdgeant. In this data model, he can store information from the tracking in a way that can be read in later by an event viewer for relatively easy display.It's possible to extend the existing data model to include his new structures so a single file format can be used. This is desirable because HDDM apparently does not easily support multiple versions of the same data model compiled in a single program.

There was some discussion on the merits of extending HDDM's use beyond its current role. While it is clear that we will eventually need DST files, it has not been discussed at what stage of the reconstruction they will be produced at and exactly what information will be kept in them.

Mark will continue work on this and we will discuss further in the future.

Standard Units

Mark presented a proposal for a standard set of units that we should adopt while coding. These will be defined in a header file in a way similar to what CLEO used and Geant4 uses. Namely, #defines of constants like "k_m" for meters and "k_cm" for centimeters. The standard units will be defined with a value of "1" while others will be defined accordingly.

Matt S. Agreed to get the CLEO version and put it into the repository. (on a side note, Matt apparently did this back in Aug. 2005 but everyone forgot about it, including Matt!)

Action items

  1. Implement standard units header file (Matt .S)
  2. Update the start counter geometry to reflect the current 40 paddle design (Seems D.)
  3. Follow up in anonymous svn checkouts (David L.)
  4. Turn on Moeller and Bhabha scattering by default in hdgeant (Alex S.)
  5. Update documentation on Wiki for turning on/off processes in GEANT (Alex S.)

Next Meeting

Dec. 17th