Cosmic muons

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Cosmic muons.jpg

Muons. Top vs. Front

The 4 GeV muons entering from the top have the opportunity to pass through only lead or only glue and fibre. This is what gives the broader distribution of energy deposited in the fibre with a peak at higher energies. The muons entering from the top have a mean at about 5 MeV and the muons entering from the side have a mean at about 4 MeV. The plots below are from segments (0,0), (1,1) and (2,2). They are nearly identical.

Muon 1.gif in segment (0,0)

Muon 2.gif in segment (1,1)

Muon 3.gif in segment (2,2)

Segment (2,2)

Escih 2 2 front.jpg Escih 2 2 top.jpg

see also Photon Energy Deposit

Sampling Fraction --> E(SciFi)/E(module)

Escim emod.gif Escim emod front.gif Escim emod photon.gif