Controls Meeting 17-Nov-2011
- Announcements
- FMEA for solenoid required by Lehman committee
- Need EE help?
- Minutes from previous meeting 20-Oct-2011
- Vendor show doomed the 3-Nov meeting
- Equipment orders - all
- Solenoid_Controls_Redesign - Mark, Josh, Scot, Cody, Yi, Elliott
- Preliminay P&I completed, cryo vessel to be ordered soon
- changes to cryo control system
- shunt replacement
- coil tap isolation, range and precision
- UPS power to Danfysik
- quench detector balance, new quench detector
- ground fault detector using dump resistor
- redundant Danfysik contactor, quench detector, dump diodes?
- fast DAQ replacement
- Experiment Control Supervisor - Vardan, Hovanes, Elliott
- use CSS?
- EPICS evaluation
- archiver
- alarm system
- backup/restore
- EPICS - Nerses, Hovanes, Elliott
- JLab discriminator
- directory structure
- Controls test stand - Hovanes, Josh
- SOE module
- 435NBX serial module
- EPICS drivers and gui's
- PLC programming, Viewpoint, licenses, etc. - Josh
- high-priority tasks
- add-on instructions -- ladder logic, function block, structured text
- Networking - Hovanes, Elliott
- UPS power in the hall - Elliott
- Elog - Elliott
- Midas
- manual database
- maintenance logs
- operator log?
- Midas
- Mantis task tracker
- PyIRMIS - Hovanes, Elliott
9:30 AM Thurs 17-Nov-2011 CC L207
Next Meeting
Thurs 1-Dec-2011 9:30am CC L207
Present: Elliott W, Josh B, Mark S.
Equipment Orders
- Mark still has to order rack parts.
- Mark will produce a desired equipment list in priority order.
- Josh has received everything he ordered (SOE, 435NBX, etc).
Solenoid Controls Redesign
- Jonathan and Rao produced a preliminary P&I diagram, need feedback from Scot et al. concerning controls wiring.
- Function of some valves has changed.
- Order for new vessel will go out soon.
- Mark will order (has ordered?) the shunt replacement.
- We still don't have a good strategy for coil tap signal isolation.
- We expect Giles will work on bringing UPS power to the hall, a 220V 30A subpanel seems reasonable.
- Still don't know the coil inductances, still working on alternative quench detectors.
- Mark will design the new ground fault detector using the existing dump resistor.
- FMEA will help determine the level of redundancy needed (contactor, QD, diodes, UPS power to power supply, etc).
- Yi tested the NI 8-chan (separate ADC for each channel) fast-daq board and is very happy. No crosstalk seen up to high sampling rates.
Vardan is still looking into using CSS gui's for the Experiment Control System.
EPICS Evaluation
- Hovanes is looking into two EPICS archivers, one from SNS, the other from JLab. Report expected soon.
- Next Hovanes will look at alarm systems.
- Nerses is still developing an EPICS driver for the JLab discriminator board.
- After that he probably will look at HV and LV drivers and gui's.
Controls Test Stand
- Mark is setting up a system to test the SOE module. Josh and Elliott will perform the tests.
- Mark will also set up something to test the 435NBX module.
PLC Programming
Josh is registering for a 4-day A-B design class in Jan. After the class he will take a serious look at redesign of the PLC code. He expects to use priority tasks, add-on instructions, as well as all three main languages (ladder, function block, structured text).
Networking is available in the Telecom room in the counting house. Our network switch should be installed in Jan.
The Midas Elog system is in operation. A manual database exists, currently it has only a few manuals. Goal is to put all the manuals on the M drive into the database. Searchable columns include manufacturer, model, keywords, etc. Mark will think about requirements for a maintenance log. Nothing new on an operator log, though.
Some discussion on what tasks belong in Mantis vs HDList. Anything involving safety must be in HDList, as do technical operations. Mantis is for larger tasks not involving safety.