BLTWG Meeting 11/26/2024
From GlueXWiki
- Time: 10:00 EDT
- JLab meeting room: F324-325 in Cebaf Center
- Connecting: detailed instructions are on GlueX Meeting Numbers
- Tagged Beam Group Biweekly Meetings
- Announcements
- Calibration
- progress to implement ML algorithm in halld_recon
- Development for future running past 2025
- fraction of TAGM hits that survive as DBeamPhotons -- Richard
- study of Mollers in the tagger for circular polarimetry -- Richard
- need for improved FADC250 pulse finding algorithm for GlueX 3 -- Richard
- Current issues
- spikes in the reconstruction efficiency at the ends of the microscope GitHub issue -- Richard
- Diamond radiators
- plans for the 2025 run period - Richard
- Any other business
- Just a reminder, Photon beam bleed-through from other halls: Most of the time it is not a big issue but every once in a while in may be.
An example of significant bleed-through is shown here during the CPP/NPP run period (2022-05) when Hall C was running
at 5pass and 75uA. This bleed-through disappeared when Hall C moved to 4pass.
- Just a reminder, Photon beam bleed-through from other halls: Most of the time it is not a big issue but every once in a while in may be.