BLTWG Meeting 10/14/2013
From GlueXWiki
- Time: 11:30 EST
- Place: ESNET and Seevogh (Jlab community)
- Connecting: instructions are here
- Present: Alex B., Richard J., Curtis M., Alex S., Natalie W., Tim W., Franz K., Hovanes E., Nathan S., Ivan T., Fernando B.,Mike D., Dan S.
- Announcements
- Choice of targets for harp ladder - Tim
- Contract for diamond radiators - Richard
- Update on fixed tagger hodoscope - Franz
- Update on mapping the tagger and PS - Tim, Dan
- Update on microscope electronics schedule - Alex B.
- Status of the microscope construction - James M.
- Update on pair spectrometer detector - Ivan
- Update from Accelerator Liaison - Todd
- any other business
Discussion of amorphous radiators for target ladder
- important to start out without radiators
- Hall B target "fork" has 3 positions plus wires
- Hovanes will speak with Hall B engineers about obtaining the amorphous targets they used for photon beam running.