BLTWG Meeting 07/08/2013
From GlueXWiki
- Time: 11:30 EST
- Place: ESNET and Seevogh (Jlab community)
- Connecting: instructions are here
- Present: Richard J., James M., Ann Marie C., Alex B., Sascha S., Natalie W., Todd S., Samara M., Kyle B., Nate D., Tim W., Mike D., Franz K., Curtis M., and Eugene C.
- Announcements
- Update on polarimetry - Mike, Ken
- Status of the microscope construction - James
- Status of the microscope electronics - Alex
- Report on the fixed array construction - Franz
- Construction of Low-Granularity counters- Tamara/Nate/Kyle/Alex
- Tagger Magnetic Field Mapping - Franz
- any other business