BCAL Action Items and Working Tasks

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  1. Match MC to data
    • Pedestal widths / dark rate in SiPMs
  2. Cluster Algorithm
    • Include single-ended hits
    • Optimize neutral vs charged showers
  3. Simulation of reactions
    • E.g. how to extract etas. No etas visible in fall run. Simulation may guide search.
  4. Normalization using Michel electrons

Finalize Spring running conditions

Detector and Analysis Action Items

  1. Take LED runs to check system (Elton and Noemi)
  2. Investigate pedestal parameters for different temperatures (Tegan)
  3. Pedestal-threshold fluctuation effect: fluctuating atten lengths, etc
  4. mod7 vs mod8 running (Mark?) We see no impediments to analyzing mod7 data.
  5. Analyze runs at different overbias for efficiency/noise (Ahmed)
  6. Investigate how to check efficiency vs DAQ thresholds (Elton)
  7. Determine effective velocity for each channel (George)
  8. Determine time-walk corrections (Noemi)
  9. Determine time offsets (George)
  10. Cosmics at Regina to check reflections (Noemi, Laura)
  11. Cosmics with BCAL self-triggering (?) - CDC people are included, Beni’s data (A+Z) Large samples have been taken
  12. Long-term LED pulser running to validate relative monitoring: form up/down ratios and track stability of SiPM readout channels
  13. One-ended hits (Andrei, Zisis)

Simulation & Reconstruction Action Items

  1. Rerun cosmics with lower threshold (Irina, Andrei)
  2. Check new dark hits code after David's adjustments (Tegan) In progress
  3. Shower curvature tables: compare KLOE to IU codes (Tegan, Andrei)
  4. Software benchmark hangup: BCAL code (mcsmear) - not multithreaded? Tegan in progress
  5. z-coordinate determination from up/down amplitude ratio (Tegan, Andrei)
  6. Cleanup: (Tegan, Will L.)
    1. Set variable “failures” to a number other than zero (e.g. -9999 or similar)
    2. Comb code for constants to be pulled out into a database
  7. Sampling fraction tables (Andrei)
  8. Charged particle simulations (Andrei, Irina)