Automatic Builds of GlueX Software

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Nightly Build

Every night a complete build of the source directory is done on several platforms at the lab.

  • The builds are located in the directory /volatile/halld/gluex/nightly on the JLab CUE. Everyday a new directory, named by date, is created in this directory, for example, /volatile/halld/gluex/nightly/2020-09-23. In turn, in this directory, there is a separate directory created for each platform, e. g., Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5.
  • Each platform-specific directory contains a copy of the version set file used in the build. There is also a "version.xml" in the same directory that is a soft link to this version set file. For example:

is a soft link to

  • Since the volatile disk cleaning job deletes files unread for more than 60 days, builds older than that are usually deleted.
  • The hdds, halld_recon, halld_sim, hdgeant4, and gluex_root_analysis packages are built. The master branch of each are used.
  • The script run is /home/gluex/bin/ It is scheduled as a cron job for the "gluex" account on The job runs at midnight daily.
  • The cron job on runs the builds on the various platforms, as username gluex, in parallel. The current platforms are:
    • (RedHat Enterprise Linux 7, x86_64)
    • (CentOS 7.7, x86_64)
    • (Alma 9, x86_64)
  • Log files of the builds are created in the daily directory, for example, /volatile/halld/gluex/nightly/2024-03-07/halld_ifarm9.log .
  • A summary of errors and warnings from the last build is available at . This file is only updated for builds that have errors or warnings. For clean builds, no summary log is produced.
  • The summary of errors and warnings is also sent to the "nightly_build" simple email list.
  • To use one of the nightly builds, you can set up the environment as follows (assuming you want to use the build from September 23, 2020):
gxenv /volatile/halld/gluex/nightly/2024-03-07/Linux_RHEL7-x86_64-gcc4.8.5/version.xml

The gxenv command is described in the Build Scripts document. An alternate pair of environment setting command is

source /group/halld/Software/build_scripts/ 2024-03-07

for bash and

source /group/halld/Software/build_scripts/gluex_env_nightly.csh 2024-03-07

for tcsh.

Note on ssh scheme

As mentioned above although the cron job runs on jlabl1, the builds are all actually done on other nodes. To do this without having to supply a passphrase, the cron job uses a special ssh private/public key pair that only allows the target script on the remote node (and no other command) to run only if the ssh connection comes from jlabl1 and if the target account holds the appropriate public key. This key has no passphrase associated with it[1]and thus can be used from a cron job. The remote target script is only mentioned in the authorized_keys file of the remote account. Only the ssh invocation is seen in the script (/home/gluex/bin/ on the local host (jlabl1).

Note that this special key pair is not the one used for standard ssh connections to gluex account on the CUE. The standard pair has a passphrase. This passphrase-less technique is described in a 2005 Linux Journal article and a CyberSmashup blog article.

Github Pull Request Tests

Whenever a pull request for the halld_recon or halld_sim Github repositories is created, a test build is generated at JLab. Test builds are also generated if on open pull request has new commits to its associated branch.

  • The notification from Github is passed along via the "webhook" functionality. This particular webhook is configured to send a HTTP POST message to . The web server halldweb is configured to allow python scripts to run in that directory and requires a user/password combination specific to that directory, using simple HTTP authentication.
  • The python cgi-script looks for the relevant pull request event, and starts a test build on the sandd1 VM using the same ssh scheme as the nightly builds described above.
  • These test builds use the software stored in /group/halld/Software/build_scripts/pull_request
  • The ssh command from the python script on halldweb calls The procedure is managed by, while the actual test build is performed in
  • The test builds are stored in /work/halld/pull_request_test. Debug logs are stored in this directory as ssh_log^REPO^BRANCH and env^BRANCH where "REPO' is "halld_recon" or "halld_sim" as appropriate and "BRANCH" is the name of the branch associated with the pull request. The test builds and build logs are stored in the directory REPO^BRANCH.
  • Several simple run-time tests with simulation and data are performed in
  • The results of the test are posted as a comment on the pull request using, which sends a simple command to the Github REST API over HTTPS using the python requests library (note that this script uses python3).

Nightly Code Analysis (scan-build)

The scan-build analyzer that uses features built into the clang compiler is run nightly to produce a web report on potential problems identified in the code. Here's some details:

  • Results of the latest analysis can always be found here:
  • The scan-build program is run via cron job using the gluex account and is run only on ifarm1401
  • The cron job runs the script /home/gluex/bin/nightly-scan-build.csh which is maintained in svn here:
  • This piggybacks from the nightly build of sim-recon located in /volatile/halld/gluex/nightly/. It requires the setenv.csh script exists for the gcc compiler so that it can source it to get basic things like ROOT, XERCES, JANA, CCDB set up in the environment. (Could be changed to use gluex_env instead and may be done in the future.)
  • This requires the clang compiler. It is currently hardwired to use the 3.7.0 compiler installed in /group/halld/Software/ExternalPackages/clang-llvm/llvm_clang_3.7.0

  1. If it did, then that passphrase would have to somehow be incorporated into scripts, a practice which is generally discouraged for security reasons.