August 14, 2006 Software

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GlueX Software Meeting August 14, 2006

In attendance:

Raphael H., David L., Simon T. Elliott W., Matt S., Alex D.

The meeting agenda is posted on the Wiki at:


  1. VRVS AV usage
  2. Coding Conventions
  3. Preparations for BCAL beam test
  4. Software Workshop
  5. AOT

Future meeting suggestions (held over from last time): - Smart pointers - BCAL beamtest simulations


VRVS AV usage

We were unable to get the polycom units in 2 different rooms at JLab working for the meeting. A help request for the setup in L207 where we normally meet was sent in on July 10th, and is still marked "working" a month later. Having the A/V component working and available when we need it has proven un-doable here. It was decided that VRVS will continue to be used for URL broadcasting and chat window services. However, VRVS WILL NO LONGER BE USED AS THE PRIMARY AUDIO LINK FOR GLUEX SOFTWARE MEETINGS! Telephone conferencing will be used as with all other regular GlueX meetings.

Coding Conventions

We went over a first draft of the coding conventions posted by David on the Wiki some time ago. See them at:

Some discussion was had on serveral points and David agreed to make the changes. Matt also agreed to send out a message with a URL to the CLEO coding standards. They can be found at:

The conventions still need revision, but they are a starting point. Some of the discussion did center around how specific to get with the standards. Concerns were raised that having too detailed and complex of a standard would cause it to be ignored. On the other hand, future software contributors might appreciate more details as providing better guidance on contributing code.

Preparations for BCAL beam test

David reported work has been done on the EVIO file/ET event source for the beam test and a rough structure for the how the factories that will do the reconstruction will be laid out. Work has also started on an event viewer. More will ready to report on next week.

Software Workshop

The workshop will take place Friday, Nov. 10 and Saturday Nov. 11th at JLab. Matt suggested we make an effort to arrange details at the October meeting of exactly what is expected to be done by the November workshop. There was general consensus that this was a good plan.