Deprecated: Action Items From Hall D Offline Meetings
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This is a cumulative Action item list from Hall-D software meetings. Items are added as a result of discussion at the bi-weekly software meetings and are marked off as they are completed.
June 15, 2010
- Add comments to sim-recon release page. -> Mark
- Announce field-uniformity GlueX note. -> Simon
- Give a plug-in tutorial to the group -> David
- Release JANA 0.6.2 -> David
- Put old action items into MantisBT. -> Sascha
- Bring up DAQ software release method at an online meeting. -> Elliott
- Configure MantisBT for real use. -> Elliott
June 1, 2010
- Clean up coding conventions wiki page.
- Add analysis of b1pi output to cron jobs -> Mark and David
- Decide on best practice for environment set-up -> Mark
- Find a volunteer to revise the BMS document.
- Do studies of a more uniform magnetic field.
May 18, 2010
- Develop a computing plan for GlueX. -> Mark
- Send out list of outstanding action items. -> Mark
May 4, 2010
- Write a specification for the calibration database. -> David
- Install Mantis -> Elliott
April 6, 2010
- HOWTO write thread-safe code-> Elliott, David
- Explore action item tracking software. -> Mark
March 23, 2010
- Document on JANADOT -> David
- Re-raise the issue of a documentation policy at a future meeting. -> Mark
March 9, 2010
- PWA scope study -> Craig
February 23, 2010
- Understand smearing scheme for time-of-flight. ->
Beni, David
December 1, 2009
- Look into restoring doxygen generation and subversion statistics generation to the nightly build. -> Mark
January 14, 2009 Software
- Make "docs" area of subversion repository require authentication on checkout -