From GlueXWiki
Connect Information
To connect from the outside by phone please do the following
- To join via a Web Browser, go to the page [1] https://bluejeans.com/115815824.
- To join via Polycom room system go to the IP Address: (bjn.vc) and enter the meeting ID: 115815824.
- To join via phone, use one of the following numbers and the Conference ID: 115815824.
- US or Canada: +1 408 740 7256 or
- US or Canada: +1 888 240 2560
- Upon connection all microphones are automatically muted. To unmute your mike on a Polycom or equivalent unit, enter *4. Unmuting on a computer is trivial as there is a microphone button than can be clicked.
- More information on connecting to bluejeans is available.
- For those at JLab, CC-F326-7 is reserved from 4:30 PM.
Talk at the Conference Bound states in QCD and beyond II - February 20th - 23rd
- Talk presented by Matt Shepherd GlueX-doc-