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Meeting Time and Place

The meeting will be on Wednesday June 26, 2013 at 11:15am EDT. For those people at Jefferson Lab, the meeting will be in room F326.

Meeting Connections

To connect from the outside:

1.) ESNET:

   Call ESNET Number 8542553 (this is the preferred connection method).

2.) Polycom RealPresence App on iOS and Android:

   Call 8542553@gk1.es.net

3.) Phone: (should not be needed)

  +1-866-740-1260 : US and Canada
  +1-303-248-0285 : International
    then use participant code: 3421244# (the # is needed when using the phone)
  or www.readytalk.com
   then type access code 3421244 into "join a meeting" (you need java plugin)



  1. Solenoid Status
  2. Register for the Software Workshop July 2013 Tutorial
  3. DNP Meeting at Jefferson Lab in October. Abstract Deadline July 1.
  4. Technical Design Report
  5. PAC Results

MOU and Contract Status

Reports from Technical Groups
