From GlueXWiki
Present: M.D., A.D., S.Š
- M.D:
- Mark extracted the cross section difference for Bethe Heitler electron pairs from Richard Jones 's tree level calculation. The values are shown here (Black: All pairs; Red: Triggered pairs; Green: Tagged pairs; Blue: Tagged and triggered pairs). They are very small: about +0.01 μb for the triggered+tagged pairs, compared to the typical -4.5 μb (+9 μb) expected for Δσ the proton (neutron).
- Got the event generator written by Simon and will see if it is consistent with Richard Jones generator.
- S.Š:
- Sent his latest BH event generator to Mark.
- J. S.: Performing empty target analysis in order to assess the electromagnetic background from nuclei (12C, 16O). A significant rate is seen coming from material after the target, but more analysis is needed.
- A. D.: Added a part on the proposal that discussed the GDH checks from low Q^2 measurements (pages 10-11 of the current proposal version).