Semi-Automatic Field Mapping Logger

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Revision as of 19:37, 19 June 2013 by Yqiang (Talk | contribs) (Files)

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Field Mapping System Diagram

Field Mapping.png

Running the Field Logger Software

1. Use remote desktop to log onto halld2 using account 'JLAB\halldusers', ask Elliott for password

rdesktop halld2 -g 1800x1000

2. Double click the shortcut Field_Logger on the desktop to run the LabVIEW application

  1. Verify that all readings are updating
  2. Choose the type of file operation (default: open or create)
  3. Open or Create a data file
  4. Type in the radius and phi angle of current probe position
  5. Load the appropriate Z preset file corresponding to current radius
  6. Use Previous and Next to choose the starting Z position if needed
  7. Move and turn the probes to desired Z position with a very small incline angle (both readings should be in green)
  8. Click Record to record current readings
  9. Continue to next point


The files are stored on the halld-online group disk here:


Which should also be accessible from the "M:" drive


The file names are formatted to contain the date, start time, phi value, and radius. For example, the following file was:

  • created on May 1st, 2013 at 11:39am
  • the strut was positioned such that the tube positions were along φ=90o
  • tube was at R=0 (i.e. along the center of the magnet).

The columns of a data file are: radius(inch), phi(deg), Z(cm), Incline(deg), B_x(Gauss), B_y(Gauss), B_z(Gauss) and B_axial(Gauss). And the X,Y,Z direction are defined as

  • X: points to the beam left
  • Y: points vertically up
  • Z: points to the beam dump