Primakoff photoproduction of eta off Helium4

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Input cross-section

The input cross-section used can be found here: /work/halld/home/ijaegle/he4_eta_primakoff/PRIMEX-D_eta_he4-corrected-10112021-notree.root

  1. all: Primakoff+Coherent+Interference+Incoherent
  2. tot: Primakoff+Coherent+Interference
  3. prim: Primakoff
  4. coh: Coherent
  5. interp: positive component of the interference
  6. intern: negative component of the interference
  7. inc: incoherent quasi-free proton & neutron not distinguish
  8. inc_p: incoherent or quasi-free proton
  9. inc_n: incoherent or quasi-free neutron

Version 1

The simulation can be found here: /cache/halld/gluex_simulations/PrimEx-eta-phase-I/eta-he4-19062021

There are in fact 4 distinct simulations

  • Primakoff only (Geant4_bkg_None_runnb_?????_gen_primex_eta_he4_to_2g_rim)
  • Primakoff + Coherent + interference (Geant4_bkg_None_runnb_?????_gen_primex_eta_he4_to_2g)
  • Quasi-free off proton (Geant4_bkg_None_runnb_?????_gen_primex_eta_he4_to_2g_inc) and neutron (Geant4_bkg_None_runnb_?????_gen_primex_eta_he4_to_2g_inc_n)

For each set, 20M events were thrown between 6 and 12GeV corresponding to the He (full target) runs range ie 323 runs. The number of events simulated for each run is proportional to the flux of this wrt to the total 323 runs flux.

Version 2

The simulation can be found here: /work/halld/home/gxproj2/gluex_simulations/PrimEx-eta-good-test-14012022

Simulation for:

  1. 3 runs (phase 1 and 2)
  2. 3 eta decays (gg/3pi0/3pi)
  3. From 8GeV to endpoint energy
  4. All components and combined
  5. 1M for each sample
  6. Note: interference = N_{interp}^{yield}-N_{intern}^{yield}

For ebeam: 10.047 GeV - type all integral 69.8727 pb-1 - type coherent integral 182.044 pb-1 - type primakoff integral 2980.52 pb-1 - type incoherent integral 113.397 pb-1