Mktbl Help Text

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MakeTable or mktbl - create type table with the specified namepath and parameters

    mktbl <name> -r <rows_number> <columns> #<comments>

    name        - is a /name/path
    rows_number - number of rows
    columns     - see 'columns format'
    comments    - are comments...

columns format:
    minimal columns format:
      <name1> <name2> ... <nameN>   -   create N columns, with names name1 ... nameN of type double (by default)

    full format for each column:

       quantity - number of columns with such name
       type     - type of the column (int, double, string)
       name     - name of the column - the only required part
       start_index - if quantity is defined set start index for auto-naming

    It is simple! Just look at examples:
    1) 'x  y  z'   -   create 3 columns with names "x", "y", "z". The type is considered to be 'double' by default
    2) 'index=int digit=double descr=string' - create 3 columns: 'index', 'digit' and 'descr' of types int, double and string
    Imagine, one needs to create 50 columns for 50 channels?
    3) '50channel'        -  create 50 columns channel0,channel1, ..., channel49. The type is considered to be 'double' by default
    4) '50channel=int'    -  create 50 columns channel0,channel1, ..., channel49 of type (int)
    The last one is change start index of auto naming the colums
    5) '50channel1'    -  create 50 columns channel1,channel1, ..., channel50
    6) '3item_15=long - create item_15, item_16, item_17 of type long
       /   \    \   \__________
      /     \    \             \           

    * You can disable quantity logic with --no-quantity flag (see --no-quantity details) 


    1) mktbl /test/mytable x y z 
       creates in a directory "/test" a table with name "mytable" with 1 row (by default) and 3 columns "x", "y", "z" of type double
    2) mktbl /test/mytable -r 2 x y z #"This is comment for my table"
        the same as in first example, but with 2 rows and comment      
    3) mktbl /test/table2 5val2=int
       creates in a directory "/test" a table with name "table2" with 5 columns "val2", "val3" ... "val6" of type int.

    -r <N> or  --rows <N>       Number of rows
    -c <N> or  --columns <N>    Number of columns
    -I     or  --interactive    Interactively ask information that is not provided (rows number, comments)
                                (This option is switched ON by default if ccdbcmd is in interactive mode)
    -nq    or  --no-quantity    if set digits before column names are NOT treated as quantities
                                i.e  mktbl ... 10val      - creates 10 columns named 'val0' ... 'val9'
                                     mktbl -nq ... 10val  - creates 1 column named '10val'