KL Proposal

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The tentative agenda is

1) Our schedule for the proposal (back in time): - We may expect that PAC will be scheduled for July. - We have to submit our proposal 6 weeks in advance (May-June) - It will probably take 4 weeks for the GlueX Collaboration to review (April-May) - In March, we plan to ask Rolf for a technical review (upon the Jim Napolitano's suggestion) - GlueX Collab meeting is scheduled for Feb 16-18 and we have to talk about KL.

2) We have to make a conceptual design of the KL project which allows to estimate a cost of the KL. To do that we have to draw a Note and then ask Eugene to ask Tim to make it.

3) Status of MC simulations of expected data. ds/dO for KLp-->K+n (Mikhail) ds/dO and Sigma for KLp-->K+Xi (Nick)

4) Status of neutron background simulations (Igor)

5) Schedule for the next meeting

6) etc

We will use Blue Jeans for remote participation. You can connect to the remote meeting via your browser: https://jlab.bluejeans.com/178535051/

Call-in Directions: 1. Dial: Primary Number: +1-408-740-7256 Toll free number: +1-888-240-2560

2. Enter meeting ID: 178535051 3. Press # Meeting title: YSTAR2016

International phone numbers are listed on: http://bluejeans.com/numbers