January 6, 2012 (11:30AM), Physics Working Group

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Revision as of 13:02, 6 January 2012 by Jonesrt (Talk | contribs) (Agenda)

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ESNET and EVO will be available:

1. ESNET: 85-42553 (85-HALLD)

2. An EVO room under GlueX will be reserved

3. Phone:

  • +1-866-740-1260 : US+Canada
  • +1-303-248-0285 : International
  • then enter participant code: 3421244# (remember the "#"). Phone connection only upon request.
  • or www.readytalk.com (and code without the #)


  1. Announcements
  2. Updates on reconstruction?
    1. Tracking: Paul, automated b1pi analysis
    2. Calorimetry
    3. PID
  3. Memory leak fixes? (Richard)
  4. Plans for eta pi0 studies at Regina (Zisis)
  5. Amplitude Analysis of b1pi (Igor)
  6. Cascade Simulations (Nathan)
  7. Kinematic Fitting Updates? (Will)
  8. Mass production and storage of MC (UConn)
