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'''CCDB table - CDC/cdc_parms'''
! Name
! Value
! Description
! Action
| style="width:70px;" | CDC_TDRIFT_SIGMA
| style="width:90px;" | 2.8181818181818e-9
| style="width:400px;" | The error on the drift time in the CDC, used to gaussianly smear actual CDC hits.
| 1000.0E-9
| The time window for which CDC hits are accumulated (in sec), used for background determination
| 0.00000006
| The error in the energy deposition measurement in the CDC due to pedestal noise
| 0.0055
| CDC drift speed (unit?)
| 25.
| time window for two hit resolution (in ns)
| 100
| number of hit per readout channel
| 1.
| threshold applied (in KeV)
| 0.8
| straw radius (in cm)
== FDC ==
== FDC ==

Revision as of 18:09, 3 June 2014

These are constants whose values need to be revisited


Description Variable Value File Line Action to take
fADC counts -> physical units a_scale 1.0E6/1.3E5 DCDCHit_factory.cc
Energy conversion factor for dE calc. w_eff 29.5E-9 DCDCTrackHit_factory.cc 109
Gain factor for dE calc. gas_gain 1.0E5 DCDCTrackHit_factory.cc 110
initial time -> drift conversion 55.0E-4 DCDCTrackHit_factory.cc 113 Remove

CCDB table - CDC/cdc_parms

Name Value Description Action
CDC_TDRIFT_SIGMA 2.8181818181818e-9 The error on the drift time in the CDC, used to gaussianly smear actual CDC hits.
CDC_TIME_WINDOW 1000.0E-9 The time window for which CDC hits are accumulated (in sec), used for background determination
CDC_PEDESTAL_SIGMA 0.00000006 The error in the energy deposition measurement in the CDC due to pedestal noise
CDC_DRIFT_SPEED 0.0055 CDC drift speed (unit?)
CDC_TWO_HIT_RESOL 25. time window for two hit resolution (in ns)
CDC_MAX_HITS 100 number of hit per readout channel
CDC_THRESH_KEV 1. threshold applied (in KeV)
CDC_STRAW_RADIUS 0.8 straw radius (in cm)


Description Variable Value File Line
fADC counts -> physical units a_scale 2.4E4/1.3E5 DFDCHit_factory.cc
Time range used to cluster cathode hits (ns) TIME_SLICE 10 DFDCCathodeCluster_factory.cc 10
Energy conversion factor for dE calc. W_EFF 30.2e-9 DFDCPseudo_factory.cc 26
Gain factor for dE calc. GAS_GAIN 8e4 DFDCPseudo_factory.cc 27


Description Variable Value File Line/Function
fADC counts -> physical units a_scale 1.0E6/1.3E5 DFCALHit_factory.cc 53
shower profile parameters? DFCALCluster shower_profile()
mcsmear gaussian time resolution (ps) 200. mcsmear/smear.cc 869


Description Variable Value File Line
fADC counts -> physical units, 100 keV/count (?) a_scale 0.0001 DBCALHit_factory.cc 38
non-linear shower energy corrections DBCALShower_factory_IU.cc 23-46
sigma(z) estimation, cm (with TDC info, from NIM article) m_sig_z 1.1 / sqrt(E) DBCALPoint.cc 96
sigma(z) estimation, cm (without TDC info, from NIM article) m_sig_z 30. DBCALPoint.cc 104

In DBCALUnifiedHit_factory::brun():34-119 - Need to revisit timewalk corrections.

Various clusterizing parameters/calculations:


  // The method below for determining sig_theta works better than the one
  // above. sigma_z is determined using errors when reconstructing MC data.
  double sigma_z = sqrt(1.394*1.394/m_E + 0.859*0.859);
  m_sig_theta = sigma_z*sin(m_theta)*sin(m_theta)/DBCALGeometry::BCALINNERRAD;


  In DBCALCluster_factory::evnt(), energy threshold is 5*k_MeV

  In DBCALCluster_factory::clusterize()
    float seedThresh = 1*k_GeV;
    float minSeed = 10*k_MeV;

  In DBCALCluster_factory::overlap( const DBCALCluster& highEClust,
                                    const DBCALCluster& lowEClust )
  //deltaPhi_force_merge and delta_z_force_merge were determined by looking
  //at the separation of decay photons from pi0's from a pythia sample.
  //There are no events where the decay photons have separation
  //(delta_phi < 0.2 && delta_z < 25 cm), so in most cases it should be safe
  //to merge clusters together if they are so close.
  const double deltaPhi_force_merge = 0.1; //radians
  const double delta_z_force_merge = 15.0*k_cm;

  //A major cause of extra clusters are lower energy hits, which have poor
  //z-resolution and so are not properly merged. Treat low energy
  //clusters (< 40 MeV) as a special case. Again, hopefully this is only
  //a temporary fix until we have a more comprehensive solution.
  const double delta_z_force_merge_low_E = 40.0*k_cm;
  const double low_E = .04*k_GeV;


Description Variable Value File Line
fADC counts -> physical units a_scale 0.2/5.2E5 DTOFHit_factory.cc
fADC time resolution (ns) hit->sigma_t 4.0 DTOFHit_factory.cc
TDC time resolution (ns) hit->sigma_t 0.160 DTOFHit_factory.cc

t0 offset for fADC?

Start Counter

Description Variable Value File Line
fADC counts -> physical units a_scale 2.0E-2/5.2E-5 DSCHit_factory.cc 36
fADC time resolution (ns) hit->sigma_t 4.0 DSCHit_factory.cc 37
TDC time resolution (ns) hit->sigma_t 0.160 DSCHit_factory.cc 38

Geometry constants


FDC/DFDCGeometry.h has a bunch of constants that need to be reconciled with HDGeant/hitFDC.c Note that HDGeant/hitFDC.c actually reads these out of the CCDB (!)

//----- These were cut from HDGeant/hitFDC.c -----
#define DRIFT_SPEED           .0055
#define CATHODE_ROT_ANGLE     1.309  // 75 degrees
//#define CATHODE_ROT_ANGLE     0.7854 // 45 degrees
#define TWO_HIT_RESOL         250.
#define WIRES_PER_PLANE       96
#define WIRE_SPACING          1.0
#define STRIPS_PER_PLANE      192 
#define STRIP_SPACING         0.5
#define U_OF_STRIP_ZERO            (-((STRIPS_PER_PLANE-1)*STRIP_SPACING)/2)
#define STRIP_GAP             0.1
#define MAX_HITS             100
//#define K2                  1.15
#define STRIP_NODES           3
#define THRESH_KEV           1.
#define THRESH_STRIPS        5.   /* mV */
#define ELECTRON_CHARGE 1.6022e-4 /* fC */