HOWTO use the GlueX Singularity Container
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Revision as of 09:26, 26 May 2020 by Marki (Talk | contribs) (→Get the Container: update to new tbb-loaded container)
Install Singularity
See the instructions on the Singularity site.
Alternately, RedHat Enterprise 7 has an RPM:
yum install singularity
Or on Ubuntu 16.04 and earlier:
go here and follow the instructions
Or Ubuntu 16.10 and later:
sudo apt-get install singularity-container
Get the Container
Download gluex_centos7.7.simg, the container.
Get the Software and Support Files
Use one of three methods.
1. tarball
This method is not supported at present (December 13, 2018). If you would like to see it revived, contact the Software Working group.
- Download the tarball: group.halld.tar.gz. It's 18 GB.
- cd <directory that will contain "group">
- tar zxvf <directory containing tarball>/group_halld.tar.gz
2. rsync with direct ssh
rsync -ruvt --delete --links <directory that contains "group">/group/
3. rsync through ssh tunnel
- Establish the tunnel
ssh -t -L9001:localhost:9001 ssh -t -L9001:localhost:22 scosg16
- In a separate shell instance, do the rsync
rsync -ruvt --delete --links -e 'ssh -p9001' localhost:/cvmfs/ <directory that contains "group">/group/
Get a Shell Inside the Container
singularity shell --bind <directory that contains "group">/group/halld:/group/halld <directory with container>/gluex_centos7.img
Set-Up the GlueX Environment
source /group/halld/Software/build_scripts/