Run Coordinator report: Spring 2020 w12

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The week of March 18 to 24, 2020 turned out to be the last week of running due to the implementation of MEDCON6 conditions. It was a very successful week for us. We ran the entire week with single-person, 6-hour shifts which was a viable mode of running. To compensate for the reduced shift staffing, a team of volunteers working remotely helped with the data monitoring, reporting twice daily. We were scheduled for 164 hours of beam and took 118.5 hours of ABU, a 72% efficiency. Following the completion of the running, the hall and tagger were put into a state consistent with an extended period of no running.

Consistent with this being the last week we took special data for calibration and to study potential systematic uncertainties. During this week we finished off the luminosity-scan data-set begun in the previous week, performed a TAC run, implemented the CCAL in the readout and in the trigger, took some raw waveform data, and approximately doubled our empty target data set. There were various problems with the TAC run which took a long time to get set up. These problems can be mitigated in future by improving the communication with the MCC operator and using a common procedure and checklist. This will be discussed in the next beamline meeting. The production running was successful, with 5 full cycles through the radiators completed. Again there was a drifting of the transmission through the collimator. We made a plan to study it further if it became severe enough but that did not occur.

A big thank you to the collaboration for adapting to a rapidly changing situation and helping to spread any extra load that occurred from all the changes.