Spring 2017 High Intensity Run Plan

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Revision as of 16:38, 6 March 2017 by Sdobbs (Talk | contribs) (Analysis Plan)

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This is the plan for running high intensity tests for the Spring 2017 run

Run Conditions

  • Radiator: JD70-100 (58 μm - 4.8·10-4 R.L., 7×7 mm²)
  • CW beam current up to 500 nA
  • Tagger quadrupole on (-4.2 A).
  • 5.0 mm collimator hole
  • Detector Settings
    • CDC?
    • FDC and TOF are fine with nominal settings
    • Lower TAGH counters remain off
  • Trigger settings
    • Standard triggers
      • Include BCAL+FCAL+ST?
    • Prescale factor: 3?

Run Plan

  • 2 current points: 300 nA and 500 nA
    • present data at 150 nA used as reference
  • 2? runs: 1 PARA, 1 PERP

Analysis Plan

  • Study rho, omega rate
  • Statistical precision of asymmetry
    • 1 run will give rho asymmetry on level of 40 +- 1 %
    • omega statistics are factor of ~10 less
  • Estimate fraction of accidentals?