Apr. 4, 2008 Tracking CDC/FDC

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Revision as of 11:22, 4 April 2008 by Davidl (Talk | contribs) (editing during meeting)

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  1. Discuss review results (All)
  2. Plan for next 6 months (All)

Simulation/Reconstruction Projects

  1. Width of TOF matched acceptance
  2. CDC length/FDC position optimization
  3. FDC number of planes/packages
  4. FDC beam hole size
  5. CDC stereo configuration optimization
    • All stereo layers
  6. FDC stereo angles
  7. Study dependence on magnetic field map
  8. Include material in fitter (Kalman?)
  9. FDC angle of incidence effect
  10. Full tracking efficiencies
  11. Address known problems in current fitter
    • Particle charge mis-assignment
    • Matching of CDC/FDC track candidates
    • Fit results is visually worse than candidate
    • ...
  12. Tabulate full covariance matrices with tracking resolutions
  13. HDParSim



The meeting will be at 11:00am in Cebaf Center F326-327.


To connect by telephone: 1.) dial:

800-377-8846 : US
888-276-7715 : Canada
302-709-8424 : International (not a free call!)

2.) enter participant code: 39527048# (remember the "#")

Video Conferencing

We will attempt an ESNet connection for this meeting using the following number:


We have a reasonable expectation that this will work.


Attendees: TBD