Offline Monitoring Archived Data

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Revision as of 08:08, 6 June 2016 by Pmatt (Talk | contribs)

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Prepare the Launch

1) Update the environment, using the latest desired versions of JANA, the CCDB, etc. Also, the launch software will create new tags of the HDDS and sim-recon repositories, so update the version*.xml file referenced in the environment file to use the soon-to-be-created tags. This must be done BEFORE launch project creation. The environment file is at:


2) Setup the environment. This will override the HDDS and sim-recon in the version*.xml file and will instead use the monitoring launch working-area builds. Call:

source ~/env_monitoring_launch

3) Updating & building hdds:

git pull                # Get latest software
scons -c install        # Clean out the old install: EXTREMELY IMPORTANT for cleaning out stale headers
scons install -j4       # Rebuild and re-install with 4 threads

4) Updating & building sim-recon:

cd $HALLD_HOME/src
git pull                # Get latest software
scons -c install        # Clean out the old install: EXTREMELY IMPORTANT for cleaning out stale headers
scons install -j4       # Rebuild and re-install with 4 threads

5) Updating RCDB (Used for run# queries during job submission):

git pull

6) Create a new sqlite file containing the very latest calibration constants. Original documentation on creating sqlite files are here.

cd $GLUEX_MYTOP/../sqlite/
$CCDB_HOME/scripts/mysql2sqlite/ -uccdb_user ccdb | sqlite3 ccdb.sqlite
mv ccdb.sqlite ccdb_monitoring_launch.sqlite #replacing the old file

7) Tag the software, where "<type>" below is either "offmon" for offline monitoring launches, or "recon" for full reconstruction launches:

git tag -a <type>-201Y_MM-verVV -m "Used for offline monitoring 201Y-MM verVV started on 201y/mm/dd"
git push origin <type>-201Y_MM-verVV

Do the Launch

1) Create the SWIF workflow:

swif create -workflow <my_workflow>
