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Charged Tracks

  • DChargedTrackHypothesis::position() returns the position of the track at its position of closest approach to the beamline.
  • DChargedTrackHypothesis::t1() is the measured hit time of the BCAL/TOF/FCAL hit/shower, if present, that is matched to the track (if hits in multiple systems, order of preference is BCAL/TOF/FCAL).
    • If it is not matched to a hit, it's value is NaN (and the detector system is SYS_NULL).
  • DChargedTrackHypothesis::pathLength() returns the path length along the track from it's hit in the BCAL/TOF/FCAL to position().
  • DChargedTrackHypothesis::t0() is either:
    • The selected RF bunch time, if present, propagated to position().
    • The measured start counter hit time, if present, propagated to position().
    • If neither is available, it's value is NaN (and the detector system is SYS_NULL).
  • DChargedTrackHypothesis::measuredBeta() is pathLength()/(c*(t1() - t0())). Thus it is NaN if there aren't enough detector hits on the track.

Neutral Showers