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August 14, 2014 FDC+CDC meeting


  1. DAQ (Beni)
  2. CDC status (Mike, Beni)
  3. FDC status (Lubomir)
  4. Electronics (Chris, Nick)
  5. Engineering (Bill)
    • Chiller
    • Cathode scan [1] (Luke)
  6. Commissioning Wiki Page, FDC commissioning plan (all)
  7. Other

Instructions for Bluejeans meeting connection

FDC meeting ID: 290664653


Participants: Curtis, Naomi(CMU), Sean (NU), Bill, Luke, Mike, Chris, Simon, Beni, Fernando and Lubomir (JLab).

CDC update

- Beni installed a wide grounding braid connecting in a chain all HV boards in one sector (#4). The pictures above demonstrate significant improvement in the noise suppression. The 200kHz noise from the HV power supply is gone and the random noise is down by >25%. Only this one HV channel was turned on.

- Fernando contacted CAEN concerning the 200kHz noise coming from 1550 and interestingly even more from 1535 module. The noise goes through the HV return lines connected to the aluminum ring at the front of the CDC and the ground of the ring needs to be improved first. Further we should think of a better, non-destructive way (4 pre-amp cards were somewhat damaged) of installing the additional ground on the cards.

- It's not clear exactly how the grounding helped, but it worked only after connecting all of the cards from this sector. It might be the stand-offs that connect the cards to ground have some resistance? (Bill). The HVBs have LV vias on the back side, so one should find a better place for connection, but that's possible (Fernando).


- Beni: problems running DAQ last night: one of the TI was replaced and had older firmware version. After the meeting Beni found the trigger didn't work due to the magnetic field effect (the magnet is set now to 800A!) on the trigger PMTs: need to be shielded!

FDC update

- Without the horizontal track trigger, the quality of the data is poor: mostly showers and mostly in the first package. To separate hits from noise Lubomir is improving the avalanche finding algorithm using the multi-hit feature of the TDCs and the timing from the fADCs. Last week Cody replaced 4 fADC125 modules due to different issues. In the last short run (the only so far after the FDC chiller was fixed) only one of the new modules works fine, the other three have problems.


- Fernando: Cody is releasing a new version of the fADC125 firmware with the pulser, masking and playback features. The implementation of the fADC250 algorithms will be ready by the end of August, then in September Cody and Bryan will start testing it.


- Bill: the compressor was replaced last Friday but the water flow is very low. Talking to the company, the most likely reason for that is the low temperature of the chill water of 7-8C. According to their specifications should be above 10C, but before they said it should work also with 8C. Bill's plan is to use an available heat exchanger (from the target) and to warm the input water using the heat of the output water.


- The estimates are that at 10^-4 R.L. radiator and 50nA electron beam we will have 180Hz charged particle from 2mm plastic target. The fraction that goes on the FDC has to be simulated, but if we assume 20Hz charged particles on the FDC, we will need about 2 beam-on-target days to have ~3M events. Based on the experience with the package 3 this will be enough for the alignment in one configuration, so in total 4 days (magnet on/off). The target has to be placed as far as possible which is at ~4m upstream from the face of the CDC, at the exit of the vacuum pipe there.

- Eugene: be aware that for the commission we will have ~3m air in front of the solid target (in nominal position) which is ~0.8% R.L. while the 2mm target is ~0.25%. We may decide use carbon or Al target instead of plastic. Simon: for the CDC we will use the target at nominal position. It should not be a problem to have several targets at the same time.

- It is critical to have the sparsification firmware ready by the middle of September so that Beni has time to implement it by the beginning of October for the commissioning run. If the whole firmware is not ready we need at least the "pulse mode" where all the samples are read out, but only for channels with signals above a threshold. In this case we need to think about efficient trigger, like FCAL and TOF coincidence.
