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May 1, 2014 FDC+CDC meeting


  1. Gas system status [1],[2] (Dave)
  2. DAQ (Beni)
  3. CDC testing (Mike)
  4. Engineering Fluorinert level (Bill)
  5. Electronics (Chris, Nick)
  6. FDC alignment FDC E-log entry 144, [3], [4], [5],[6], [7](Lubomir)
  7. Other

Instructions for Bluejeans meeting connection

FDC meeting ID: 290664653


Participants: Curtis, Naomi (CMU), Mike, Dave, Chris, Nick, Eugene, Simon, Beni, and Lubomir (JLab).

Gas system

- The pure gas has arrived and we started purging the gas system in the gas room, including the two mixing tanks. Beni: There's a supply now to only one tank (we are still missing one MFC control panel) and the two tanks are connected at the output lines of the tanks. Beni is afraid that there will be an air pocket in the second tank and will take time to flush it. In any case we expect the control panel to arrive soon.

- The plan is to flush the gas system in the gas room over the weekend and at the beginning of the next week to include the lines in the hall bypassing the detectors. Later next week we will start flushing the detectors, as well.

- Dave has a PLC software and GUI that can be used to open/close the valves needed for the flushing procedure. Mike is working on a GUI that uses epics variables for the gas system. Dave suspects a glitch in the MFC control panel software that, however, he can be overcome for now.


- Beni: third VXS crate has been installed in the trigger rack to be used for triggering the FDC and CDC DAQ. Still needs from Sasha modules: TS, CPU and also wants to have a fast F1TDC to read the signals from the scintillators. The "horizontal" trigger gives about 80 counts per hour, but we don't know how many of these are really horizontal muons, most are expected to be coming from mini-showers above the scintillators.

- Beni's plan is to make a common FDC+CDC trigger using the "horizontal" trigger plus the "vertical" trigger from the scintillators above and below the magnet, as used by BCAL. Nick will take care of the cable connections between the scintillator electronics and the trigger rack.

- DAQ software: the readout code compiled but not tested. The sparsification code is ready and has been used in the FDC readout; before using it Beni will have to find the right timing windows.

CDC status