BLTWG Meeting 12/6/2007
From GlueXWiki
- Time: 10:00 EST
- Place: VRVS and ESNET
- Present: Aschenauer, Jones, Klein, Whitlatch, Yang
The agenda for this meeting was to review the status of all of the major systems under the oversight of the GlueX Tagger/Beamline working group, with the purpose of setting short-term goals and target dates for accomplishing things that must be completed in preparation for the 2008 Lehmann Review.
Tagger Design
- The tagger specification and Statement of Work documents for the 100% tagger engineering design bid package have been completed and sent on to purchasing for review. The 12GeV Program Office has already approved the procurement.
- Tim is working on the tagger interface drawings that he has made, as a final piece in the bid package. Discrepancies between different sources of information were pointed out in email exchanges, are being resolved.
- Elke will post the final revisions of the Tagger Specification and Statement of Work documents at the usual place on the wiki.
- The first major milestone in the monitoring process set up for this project is in the March-April 2008 time frame. This will be finalized during negotiations with the firm who wins the contract.
Interface with Accelerator
- Richard has written a document ``GlueX Requirements for 12 GeV Electron Beam Properties'<nobr/>' (gluex-doc-646). This document summarizes the GlueX physics requirements for the 9 GeV photon beam, and derives from these the requirements for the 12 GeV electron beam. The final section shows how these requirements can be phased in gradually within the context of the GlueX commissioning plan.
- Discussion of these requirements with the CASA group raised major concerns with two major points: emittance and halo. The former describes the r.m.s. size of the central intensity peak of the beam, while the halo describes the intensity at larger radius where it exceeds the gaussian fit. The concern over emittance subsided in early 2007 when the nominal beam emittance figures went down by a factor ~2 after a computational error was found. The halo concern remains.
- In Spring 2007 the CASA group produced an improved halo model based on a ray-tracing simulation through the accelerator. The GlueX tagger backgrounds have been resimulated using this halo model. The results allow the GlueX halo specification to be relaxed by one order of magnitude, while still adhering to the basic criterion of less than 1% background in the tagging counters.
- Richard needs to update the document to incorporate the two developments described above. End of January, 2008 is the target date for an updated version of gluex-doc-646.