Solenoid Meeting 2014-02-04
From GlueXWiki
George B., David B., Scot S., Mark S., Yi Q., Eugene C.
Review task list
- Power supply: Giles provided Alex at Danfysik with history charts (dumps and trips) of our solenoid testing results, the conversation started, he will report next time
- PXI, Yi will move the system to the Hall, Scot will take care of that afterwards
- SOE: 90% done, need some time for final testing
- Missing resistance file for quench detector adjustment on halld_engineer/solenoid_controls/ - Yi will look into the snapshots, still need to determine the relationship between the dial value and the resistance
- Method to control such a system. Current controllable potentiometer solution is not linear, other PFGA or simpler mechanical method? Or use PLC's DAC to correct the input voltage.
- Install hall probe in the solenoid
- He level probe wiring - Scot continue working on it