September 25, 2013 tracking CDC/FDC

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Meeting Time and Place

Wednesday September 25, 2013 at 11:00am At Jefferson Lab, the meeting will be held in F326


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  2. )To connect by telephone, dial:
  • You can look up toll-free number at
  • US and Canada: (866)740-1260 (toll free)
  • International: (303)248-0285 (toll call)
  • enter access code followed by the # sign: 3421244#

Hardware Agenda

  1. Announcement
  2. Collaboration Meeting
  3. FDC Update
  4. CDC Update CDC_216_channels [[CDC_algo#Upsampled_data] | Upsampled_data]
  5. Data Formats
  6. Cluster Counting Updates [1], [2]
  7. Voltage controls for FDC and CDC


Present: Curtis, Naomi, Beni, Lubomir, Simon, Cody, David, Hovanes

  1. FDC Update
  2. CDC Update
    1. Curtis has begun negotiations over use of our preferred loading dock, which is now within a construction site.
    2. Naomi has rearranged Gerard's upsampling algorithm from a retrospective processor into a continuous one-sample-in, five-upsampledpoints-out form. CDC_algo#Upsampled_data
    3. The CDC drift time histograms are showing bumps, Beni suggested it could be a grounding problem. CDC_216_channels
  3. Data Formats
    1. Cody confirmed that the proposed data formats are doable.
  4. Cluster Counting Updates [3], [4]
  5. Voltage controls
    1. Hovanes gave a presentation on the HV and LV control systems