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Revision as of 11:22, 7 November 2007 by Jonesrt (Talk | contribs) (Reports from Working Groups)

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[Connection to Jlab meetings|Instructions for connecting to this meeting by phone or ESnet Video Conferencing Service]

Reports from Working Groups

1. CDC

  • CMU group is studying sources of noise in the preamp electronics. So far they are making progress on understanding the sources. Jlab is shipping updated cards to CMU within a week for them to test.
  • CMU has shipped an example of the coupling from the chamber to the electronics outside the gas volume to Jlab. Jlab is still trying to figure out how they are supposed to work.
  • CMU group is working on the time-distance conversion function and implementing it in software.


  • Blake is finishing up the test beam analysis.
  • They are testing adjustments of the lead-fiber ratio in MC
  • They are studying the effects of a pre-radiator in MC.
  • Andrei has identified the best SiPM array he is getting set up to couple it to the test module and use it to look at cosmic rays.