GlueX Talks
From GlueXWiki
Conference and Workshop Talks
Talks in 2013
- Nuclear Science Summer School July 15-26, 2013, Stony Brook University campus. Colloquium presented by Curtis A. Meyer.
- INPC2013 25th International Nuclear Physics Conference June 2-7, 2013 Florence, Italy
- APS American Physical Society Meeting, April Mtg., Apr. 13-16, 2013, Denver, CO
- GHP Workshop Meeting of the APS Topical Group on Hadron Physics (GHP), Apr. 10-12, 2013, Denver, CO
- Exploration of Exotic Mesons with GlueX, Elton Smith
- The Fifth Workshop on Hadron Physics in China and Opportunities in US, July 2-6, Huangshan, China
- Physics Program at Jefferson Lab Hall-D, Yi Qiang
Talks in 2012
- PANDA XLIII Collaboration Meeting, Dec 10-14, 2012 GSI, Germany
- GlueX: Photoproduction of Hybrid Mesons, Elton Smith
- Spectroscopy at 12 GeV Workshop, Jefferson Lab
- Current PWA Projects in Hall D, Matt Shepherd
- DNP 2012 2012 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics, October 24 - Ocober 27, 2012 Newport Beach, California
- PANDA XLII Collaboration Meeting, June 26-29, 2012 Evanston, IL
- ATHOS 2012 International Workshop on partial wave analysis, June 20-23, 2012.
- Talk presented by Curtis Meyer.
- CAP Congress 2012, University of Calgary (Calgary, Alberta), June 11-15, 2012
- The GlueX Large Area Silicon Photomultipliers, Z. Papandreou
- Jefferson Lab User's Meeting, June 4-6, 2012.
- Talk presented by Curtis Meyer.
- MESON 2012 12th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction, May 31 - Jun 5, 2012 Krakow, Poland
- GlueX: Photoproduction of Hybrid Mesons, Elton Smith
- CIPANP 2012 Eleventh Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics, May 29 - Jun 3, 2012, St. Petersburg, Florida
Talks in 2011
- PANIC 11 The 19th Particles and Nuclei International Conference, in Cambridge, Massachusetts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- GlueX: Detector Construction and Event Simulations, Naomi Jarvis.
- Hadron 2011, Munich, Germany, June 13-17, 2011
- Search for Gluonic Excitations in Hadrons with GlueX, I. Senderovich
- CAP Congress 2011, Memorial University of Newfoundland (St. John's, Newfoundland), June 13-17, 2011
- The GlueX Electromagnetic Barrel Calorimeter, Z. Papandreou
- APS Physics - April Meeting, Hyatt Regency Garden Grove, Anaheim, CA, April 30 - May 1, 2011.
- The GlueX Electromagnetic Barrel Calorimeter, Z. Papandreou.
- The Meson Spectrum from Lattice QCD, J. Dudek.
- The Experimental Spectrum of Hadrons, M. Shepherd.
- Overview of GlueX Offline Computing, M. Ito.
- Charged particle tracking for the gluex detector, S. Taylor.
- The 4th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, Hyatt Regency Garden Grove, Anaheim, CA, April 27-29, 2011.
- The Meson Spectrum from Lattice QCD, J. Dudek.
- Workshop on Excited Hadronic States and the Deconfinement Transition, Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, February 23-25, 2011.
- Spectroscopy: experimental status and prospects, Curtis A. Meyer.
- WNPPC 2011, Winter Nuclear and Particle Physics Conference, 18-20 Feb 2011, Banff, Canada
- The GlueX Barrel Calorimeter, Zisis Papandreou
- Large Area Multi-Pixel Photon Detectors for the GlueX Barrel Calorimeter, Mehrnoosh Tahani
- Hirschegg 2011, The Structure and Dynamics of Hadrons, Hirschegg, Austria, January 16-22, 2011
- The GlueX Experiment (and its Context), Ryan Mitchell
Talks in 2010
- Jefferson Lab PAC36, Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, August, 2010.
- GlueX Presentation, Curtis A. Meyer.
- LNF Frascati, Frascati, Italy, June 30, 2010
- The GlueX Experiment: construction is under way, Z. Papandreou
- CAP Congress 2010, University of Toronto (Toronto, Ontario), June 7-11, 2010
- The GlueX Electromagnetic Barrel Calorimeter, Z. Papandreou
- Jefferson Lab Users Group Meeting, Jefferson Lab, Newport News, VA, June 7-9, 2010.
- GlueX/Hall-D Physics, Curtis A. Meyer.
Seminar Talks
- The Search for Gluonic Excitations in Light Mesons with the GlueX Experiment, Seminar Talk at CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique, France, April 2012, Igor Senderovich
Colloquium Talks
- The Jefferson Lab 12-GeV Upgrade and the GlueX Experiment, Colloquium at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, September 2011, Curtis A. Meyer.
- Quarks, QCD and Confinement: What we hope to learn at Jefferson Lab, Colloquium at ASU, February 2010, Curtis Meyer.
- Gluonic Hadrons as a Probe of Confinement, Undergraduate Colloquium at Saint Vincent College, Latrobe PA, September 2009, Curtis Meyer.