Feb 14, 2013 SiPM Electrical and Cooling

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Action Items from previous meetings

Tentative Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. Action Items
  3. Light guides (Elton)
  4. Schedule for production and testing (all)
  5. SiPM production testing (Yi)
  6. Mechanical assembly (Jim)
  7. Temperature compensation (Jack)
  8. Electronic boards (Fernando and Chris)


Attending: Elton, Tom, Tina, Chris, Nic, Fernando, Jim, Yi

  1. Announcements
  2. Action Items
  3. Light guides (Tina and Elton)
    • Started gluing 12th module. Production is about 4 modules per week, as planned. But three persons have been working on it.
    • Bobby was trained today to test the modules
    • New worker from FEL (Keith) is being trained on gluing procedure
    • The new fixture for keeping the gluing fixture aligned is working well
    • Tomorrow we will take data with light guides glued on only one end
  4. SiPM production testing (Yi)
    • Ivan has taken all the data to study the saturation of afterpulsing.
    • He is back in Russia, but hopes to analyze the data while he is away.
  5. Controls
    • Yi will be working on the control system for the Bcal
  6. Mechanical assembly (Jim and Tom)
    • Jim clarified the procedure for preparing the cooling plates for gluing the cooling tubes and thermistor boards.
    • The items are needed to begin the assembly of the readout package. Personnel from the FEL might be available to perform this task.
    • Attachment of bar to top plate during assembly will require a jig to ensure alignment. Jim will design and have such a jig made.
  7. Temperature compensation (Jack)
  8. Electronic boards (Chris and Nic)
    • Only 13 boards left to set the jumpers.
    • The remaining boards required a new resistor value to be ordered. The resistors should arrive tomorrow.
    • The boards should be completed by next Tuesday.
    • After completing the boards, the SiPMs will need to be sorted in advance of the assembly process.
    • The electronic preparations for the assembly should be complete in 2-3 weeks.