More on raw data, occupancies and anomalies

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Online Monitoring Framework

Plans for prototyping and testing:

  • get 4x16 core box from CC 2pm today
  • turn RDC and rack circuits on today or tomorrow (Mark S)
  • install computer in rack room today or tomorrow, connect to network switch
  • install DAQ software (ET and cMsg)
  • create ET systems
  • create a fake event builder that feeds events into ET from a (large) simulated raw data file
  • run plugins off the ET system
  • view histograms with RootSpy
  • evaluate performance

Performance measurements:

  • ET throughput
  • monitoring processing rates
  • network and cpu loads
  • RootSpy performance
  • whatever else we can think of

Thus this will be a prototype of the DAQ/Monitoring system from the last event builder up to the event recorder.

I created plugins for the following detectors...these will comprise the foundation of the production online monitoring system:

  • BCAL
  • FCAL
  • ST
  • TOF
  • CDC
  • FDC
  • TAGM
  • TAGH
  • PSC
  • PS
  • TRIG
  • EVNT

They are independent and can be run in any combination. They book ROOT histograms in their own subdirectories and ROOTSpy will be used for remote histogram display. Currently I programmed energy/charge, time and occupancy histograms for the detectors supported by our simulation, the others (PSC, PS, TAGH, EVNT, TRIG) are skeletons. Dave suggests we run this package in the nightly build and regularly check the histograms.

I will fill in the empty plugins when the simulation is updated. I expect detector experts will expand the functionality of these plugins.

At the moment the plugins get information from HDDM files. Eventually they will get information from simulated raw event files once Dave completes the EVIO data source and raw data objects.

Energy/Charge, Time and Occupancy Histograms


Bcalet.png Bcalo1.png Bcalo2.png


Fcalet.png Fcalo.png


Stet.png Sto.png


Tofet.png Tofo1.png Tofo2.png


Cdcet.png Cdco.png


Fdcet.png Fdcow.png Fdcos.png


Tagmet.png Tagmo.png