Electronics Testing Readiness Review Checklist

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The goal of the Electronics Readiness Review is to assess whether the University of Indiana is ready to begin production of the fabrication of the Hall D forward calorimeter modules.

Topics for Discussion

  1. Environment
    1. General
      • Are the MSDS information sheets available for all products used during production?
      • What support do you get from university EH&S services?
      • Are there any materials (e.g cleaning agents/etc) that are of particular hazard during fabrication
  2. Procedures:
    1. Are all procedures for accepting fabricated parts documented?
    2. Are all procedures for assembling components documented?
  3. Training:
    1. What are the training procedures for first-time workers in each of the areas where they will work?
    2. How is this documented?
  4. Recovery Procedures
    1. What are the procedures for reporting an anomaly in measurements during the assembly?
  5. Tracking
    1. Are all travelers specified for the project?
    2. What information is recorded for each board?
  6. Schedule
    1. How is the schedule tracked?
    2. Note: Time for completion of a module should be revisited after the start of production.
  7. Reporting
    1. Is the reporting chain to the project clear?

Requirements, Quality Assurance, and Preparation for Delivery: Sections 2, 3, and 4 of the Statement of Work



The fADC250 and the F1TDC modules shall be as specified in the design documentation.


Any inconsistencies or discrepancies in the fADC250 and the F1TDC modules are to be brought to the attention of JLab for resolution prior to the commencement or continuation of the testing program. Under no circumstance is UMass to proceed without JLab approval.


All the fADC250 and the F1TDC modules are marked with serial numbers. UMass shall maintain records traceable to accepted and tested modules.


All inspections required to ensure the fADC250 and the F1TDC modules meet all the requirements as stated in the test protocol documentation shall be performed, recorded, and then provided to JLab.


3.1 UMass shall prepare a Quality Assurance and Acceptance Test Plan for JLab’s approval and shall furnish such documentation as JLab may require throughout the acceptance and testing process. UMass shall conduct quality control procedures and tests, which will guarantee that the product to be furnished by UMass is in full conformance with this statement of work.

3.2 This Quality Assurance and Acceptance Test Plan must include the following:

3.2.1 A Process Quality Plan, comprised of:
a. Step-by-step process documents, with instructions and diagrams pertaining to each testing assembly and/or testing step.
b. Safety information for the job operator, including material data safety sheets where applicable.
c. A method of documenting and reporting any defects found during assembly and/or testing of the boards.
d. A mechanism for recording all job operator work sessions.
e. The submittal to JLab of all data related to the above.

3.2.2 Final Acceptance Test Plan, based on the documents listed in Section 2.


4.1. SHIPPING REQUIREMENTS UMass shall ship the fADC250 and the F1TDC modules properly packed, to ensure that damage is not incurred during shipment, in accordance with transportation industry standards.


4.3. Packaging shall be such as to properly support and contain the equipment and further protect against the elements. Sizing shall be such that handling is facilitated and weight limitations imposed by the transportation industry can readily be met.