Electronics Testing Readiness Review

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FCAL Fabrication Readiness Review

  • ESNET and EVO session
  • Phone only if requested:
    • +1-800-377-8846 : US
    • +1-888-276-7715 : Canada
    • +1-302-709-8424 : International
    • then enter participant code: 77438230# (remember the "#"). Phone line by request only.


Topics/Issues that need discussion/resolution

  1. Schedule, revision of any milestones based on present projections
  2. Lessons learned from current work
  3. Training of personnel, especially transitions between work periods
  4. Testing
  5. Shipping
  6. Billing and invoicing guidelines
  7. JLab:
    1. Information/feedback required from JLab?
    2. Plan at JLab for testing of finished modules?

Documents to Review

  1. Provide links to relevant documentation
  2. Contract Documentation (needs password)
  3. FCAL Construction Readiness Review Checklist
  4. Suggested backup for billing (Matt to generate the May monthly report for an ongoing project for feedback from JLab).

Review Report

  1. FCAL Fabrication Readiness Review Report GlueX-doc-1637

JLab Participants and schedules

  • Elton Smith (Hall D contact for FCAL)
  • Tim Whitlatch (Hall D mechanical engineer)
  • Eugene Chudakov (Hall D group leader)
  • Bruce Lenzer (JLab ESH&Q)
  • Arrival / Departure schedules

Tentative Agenda

Wednesday June 23

  • Arrival Indianapolis:
    • Flights:
      • US 2485: PHF / CLT:
      • US 3661: CLT / IND: arrive 1:29 pm Indianapolis
  • Car Rental at Indianapolis Airport
  • Arrival in Bloomington
  • Getting to Campus:
    • Directions to Swain Hall West
    • Parking in the Henderson Parking Garage. This is the shaded "P" above the word "Atwater" on the lower part of the inset map linked above.
    • Meet in Swain West 262
  • 16:30 - Arrival
  • 17:00 - Tour of Facilities
  • Dinner at a local restaurant

Thursday, June 24

  • Notes: We should have an update on the status of the Cockcroft-Walton bases somewhere. If all goes well, could fit it in after lunch before closeout.
  1. Scope of Contract and Current Review
  2. Status of Construction
  3. Training of Personnel
  4. Testing Procedures
  5. Anticipated Additional Reviews
    1. Electronics
    2. Support Structure
  6. Shipping to and Storage at Jefferson Lab
  • 9:30 - Coffee
  • 10:00 - Financial, Billing and Reporting (video conference with JLab) Swain West 262 (closed session)
  1. Meet with (Contract Officers) from the Sponsored Research Office
  2. Procurement Requirements, Billing and Invoicing
  3. Official Schedule and Tracking
  • 11:00 - Review of Technical Contractual Documents Swain West 262
  1. Final Construction Plan
  2. Quality Assurance and Acceptance Test Plan
  3. Feedback and Questions from QA team
  4. Schedule
    1. Decision on Radiation Hard Insert
    2. Decision on Signal Cables
  • 12:00 - JLab Executive Session Swain West 251 (closed session)
  • 12:30 - Lunch
  • 14:00 - Closeout Swain West 251
  • 14:30 - Adjourn
  • 14:45 - Departure to Airport
    • Suggested Flights:
      • US 3267: IND / CLT; depart 5:14 pm Indianapolis
      • US 3798: CLT / PHF; *****