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Revision as of 15:41, 23 August 2012 by Pentchev (Talk | contribs) (Production)

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August 23, 2012 FDC meeting


  1. Production Construction Tracking (Dave)
    • Cathodes
    • Third package
  2. Cathode corrosion
    • Results from SEM analyses: [1]
    • Test chambers
  3. Engineering (Dave)
    • Cathode strong-backs
  4. Electronics (Chris, Nick)
    • PCBs
  5. TDR, pages 132-145 (Lubomir)
  6. Other


Participants: Fernando, Tim, Eugene, Dave, Simon, Vlad, and Lubomir


- Dave: working on 10 new cathodes to be used in the first package, not in the second package as we always stated before. Again the bottleneck is the card gluing, but we will start making progress there, by tomorrow we plan to have the cathode strong-backs ready to be used to move the cathodes. Will start working soon on the other two cathodes that are needed to finish the first package. After that we will have two sets of cathode foils left.

- The third package is ready with the subsystems: grounding, cooling tubes, HV cabling. The plan is to move it to 126 tomorrow. The grounding worked fine, Vlad put ~100 clips for grounding and another ~100 attached close to both sides of the cards (where possible and needed) to prevent the cathode deformation at the periphery. As Casey suggested, we used a new method to install the cooling tubes. We tightened the bracket on one card in the middle of the tube and installed the rest of the brackets loose. Then, going from the middle card toward the two ends of the tube we tightened the rest of the brackets. Thus, the copper tubes apply some pressure on the cards; before we had problems we some of the cards being pulled by the tubes. Gluing of the back brackets with green epoxy to the tubes was done at the end. In 126 after installing the cables we should experiment how easy will be to remove the extra clips we put on the card sides.