OWG Meeting 18-Jul-2012

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  • Announcements
    • Lots of manuals now in Midas Elog
    • Ben will give a tutorial on FPGA programming in Aug
    • Please update Mantis entries
  • Review of minutes from 20-Jun-2012 meeting
  • FDC test, linuxvme and codaObject libraries - Beni, Bryan, Elliott
  • Jython and cMsg - Elliott
  • Intel-based ROC purchase - Dave Abbott, Hovanes, Elliott
  • EVIO status - Carl, Elliott
    • new dictionary strategy
  • Counting House status - Hovanes
  • 12GeV Schedule - Hovanes, David, Elliott
  • Elog and Accelerator division projects - Graham
  • DAQ group projects- Bryan, Dave A, Graham
    • Raw data tape
    • Java GUI connection to cMsg
    • CODA3, EVIO, ECS/CSS, raw event file, disentangler, readout list
  • EPICS - Hovanes, Vanik
    • stepper motor driver, etc.
  • Controls - Elliott
    • CompactLogix system for BCAL, etc.
    • Gas system
    • Solenoid Controls Redesign, FastTrack schedule, PXI status, FMEA, P&I, vacuum, connection to Cryo group PLC, etc.
  • JInventory database - Hovanes, Elliott
  • Electronics, trigger and DAQ status reports - Chris, Alex, Dave, Fernando, Ben, Ed, William, Bryan
  • Mantis Task Tracker
  • Midas Elog

  • Calibration/Alignment issues?
  • Computer system manager


1:30 PM Wed 18-Jul-2012 CC F326


Next Meeting

1:30 PM Wed 1-Aug-2012 CC F326


Present: Elliott W, Simon T, Elton S, Vanik K, Beni Z, Dave A, Vardan G, Dave L.

ROC Purchase

Dave reported that the RFQ's will go out soon. H-D will buy most of them in FY13, CLAS12 in FY14. No relevant model changes expected before then. Hope to have PO done by the fall for staged purchases over the next few years. Expect to purchase approx 100 boards.

FDC Test

Beni reported that he cannot read out the FADC125 but can read out the F1TDC in his linux-based codaLite setup in EEL 126. He was able to read out the FADC125 on VxWorks. Much speculation as to the cause, e.g. Tempe vs Universe chip, initialization problem, bug in firmware, etc. Cody can talk to the FADC125 in his Labview setup.

Elliott reported minor problems setting up the FDC test: must use 32-bit RHEL and special kernel modules, network firewall problems between 88 and 37 subnets, typo in codaLite interrupt service method.

Jython and cMsg

Following Vardan's suggestion Elliott was successful in accessing the cMsg Java library from a Python script using the Jython interpreter. The latter compiles Python code into Java byte-codes and runs them through the Java interpreter. The advantage is that Jython can also access Java libraries. One disadvantage is that Python libs written in C or C++ cannot be accessed by Jython. Conclusion is that it is not necessary to write a Python wrapper for the cMsg C++ library.


Elliott reported that he and Carl have settled on an EVIO dictionary format that mostly follows that requested by CLAS12. Some pretty-printing functionality in Java nd C++ that no longer fits the new uses of the dictionary will be eliminated.

Counting House

Elliott reported that all the parts for the under-floor wiring of the Rack Room are on order. The UPS and RDC are installed. Once the power is done, late summer or early fall, the racks will be moved back in and the switch installed. At that point we can have fibers run from the Telecom room to the Rack Room.

12GEV Project

Elliott reported that all the 12GEV planning lines under his and Dave's control are complete and are final docs are in preparation.


Elliott reported that Theo is rewriting the Accelerator Elog to meet hall requirements using Drupal, a web app development kit. A preliminary release with partial functionality can be found via the link in the agenda. Theo is back in town and plans to give a formal presentation soon.

DAQ Group Projects

Dave A reported on a number of items:

  • He is working on the simulated raw data tape library and should have it done in a few weeks.
  • The DAQ group modified some EVIO tag/num conventions in the ROC and EB.
  • Some front-end board readout formats also need to change.
  • Java/cMsg control gui on hold but Graham plans to get back to it later this summer.
  • CODA3 alpha version near release (by the Fall), Dave has been effectively running it for a while. Currently only supports single-stage event building.
  • Hall D still plans to do event disentangling in the ROC, event builder stage must take care of additional reordering.