Mattione Update 06252012

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Revision as of 11:20, 25 June 2012 by Pmatt (Talk | contribs) (Analysis Overview)

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  • γ p → Y(2175), p
    • Y(2175) → π+, π-, φ
      • φ → K+, K-
  • Final State: p, π+, π-, K+, K-
  • Events Generated using genr8 with: 9 GeV Photons, ΓY(2175) = 61 MeV/c2, t-slope = 5.0, 50.0 < Vertex-Z (cm) < 80.0

Analysis Overview

  • For each q = +/- particle in the reaction, all detected q = +/- tracks are tested as to whether or not they are that particle
    • e.g. If a q = + track has PID FOM > 1% for both the π+ & K+: allow both combinations (DO NOT take the best FOM as true!)
  • The analysis (cuts/histing/kinfits) is then performed on each possible track combination (events are only cut if every one of their track combinations is cut):
    • Require the combined FOM for PID (π+, π-, K+, K-) be > 1%
    • Place very loose cuts on the φ invariant mass (0.8 - 1.3) and p missing mass (0.5 - 1.4): reduces # of bogus track combinations to save time / cleanup histograms
    • Kinematic Fit: 4-momentum conservation: p missing mass, φ invariant mass
    • Require that the confidence level from the kinematic fit be > 1%

Thrown Track Parameters

  • p vs θ
Mattione Update 06252012 ThrownPVsTheta KPlus.png
Mattione Update 06252012 ThrownPVsTheta KMinus.png
Mattione Update 06252012 ThrownPVsTheta PiPlus.png
Mattione Update 06252012 ThrownPVsTheta PiMinus.png
Mattione Update 06252012 ThrownPVsTheta Proton.png


Mattione Update 06252012 PIDFOM KPlus.png
Mattione Update 06252012 PIDFOM KMinus.png
Mattione Update 06252012 PIDFOM PiPlus.png
Mattione Update 06252012 PIDFOM PiMinus.png

Initial Mass Peaks

  • φ Invariant Mass
Mattione Update 06252012 Mass Phi.png

  • Proton Missing Mass
Mattione Update 06252012 Mass Proton.png

  • Y(2175) Invariant Mass
Mattione Update 06252012 Mass Y2175.png

Kinematic Fitting Plots

  • Confidence Level
Mattione Update 06252012 ConfidenceLevel.png

  • Confidence Level vs. Mass
Mattione Update 06252012 ConfidenceLevelVsPhiMass.png
Mattione Update 06252012 ConfidenceLevelVsProtonMass.png

  • Pulls (Confidence Level Cut at 10% for histogramming)
    • μ's = ~0.0, σ's = ~1.08
Track px Pull py Pull pz Pull
Mattione Update 06252012 Pull PhotonPz.png
Mattione Update 06252012 Pull KPlusPx.png
Mattione Update 06252012 Pull KPlusPy.png
Mattione Update 06252012 Pull KPlusPz.png
Mattione Update 06252012 Pull KMinusPx.png
Mattione Update 06252012 Pull KMinusPy.png
Mattione Update 06252012 Pull KMinusPz.png
Mattione Update 06252012 Pull PiPlusPx.png
Mattione Update 06252012 Pull PiPlusPy.png
Mattione Update 06252012 Pull PiPlusPz.png
Mattione Update 06252012 Pull PiMinusPx.png
Mattione Update 06252012 Pull PiMinusPy.png
Mattione Update 06252012 Pull PiMinusPz.png